The web site is operated by the I'M SOLAR limited company (Ltd.), which is registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Luxembourg under the number B216258 and headquartered at :

4 place de la gare,
L-1616 Luxembourg,

Legal information

Fiscal number : 2017 2206 795
VAT number : LU29680983
Registre: B216258


I'M SOLAR Ltd. declines any responsibility

  • for any interruption of the website,

  • for any emergence of bugs,

  • for any inaccuracy, omission or lack of topicality concerning information available on this website,
for any damage resulting from a fraudulent intervention of a third party using or modifying the information put at the disposal on the website without authorization,
more generally of any direct or indirect damage, regardless of its causes, origins, nature or consequences occasioned by accessing this website, including in particular the financial loss which can arise from the acquisition of the goods proposed on the website. Furthermore, the operator declines any responsibility for lost profit, loss of customer, data or any other loss or damage of immaterial property which can arise from accessing the website, the impossibility to access the website or from any credit granted to information found directly or indirectly on this website.

Observation and complaint

1. What is a complaint?

A complaint is a declaration by which you express your dissatisfaction with our company, on one or more clearly identified subjects, in the application of the intermediation agreement.

2. How do I make a complaint?

The complaint must take the form of a written email or post:

sent by post to the address:


5 place de la gare,

L-1615 Luxembourg

or by using the contact form available to you on our site.

How is your complaint handled?

We undertake to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within a maximum of 10 working days from its receipt. We undertake to provide you with a response (positive or negative) within 2 months of receipt of all the elements of your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with our answer and if you are an individual, you can contact the Luxembourg consumer mediator:

Mediator of the consumption of Luxembourg

Rue du Palais de Justice,

L-2210 Luxembourg


All elements, including texts, images, photographs, illustrations, sounds, music, posted on the I'M SOLAR site are, unless otherwise stated, the property of I'M SOLAR SA. I'M SOLAR brand and its logo are registered.

Consequently and in application of the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, the legislative and regulatory provisions of all countries and international conventions, any representation and / or reproduction, in whole or in part, of any of the elements mentioned above, made without the prior written consent of I'M SOLAR SA, is prohibited.

Privacy Policies

The protection of personal data is an important concern to us. We value your privacy and we collect, process and use personal data in accordance with the laws and regulations of the European legal requirements.

Personal information (or data) is any information relating to you and that alone or in cumulation with other pieces of information gives the opportunity to the person that collects and processes such information to identify you as a person. It can be your name, your identification number, your location data, or information related to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social life. Processing of the information means any action with your personal data, for example, collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, use, disclosure by any means and so on.

We will keep your personal information for as long as you have an account with us. After you close your account with us we will keep your personal information for a reasonable period to maintain our records and legal obligations to you. Sensitive personal information such as location information is automatically deleted after 2 weeks even when your account is active.

Personal data policy

At the heart of our business, to find for you the relevant solutions among a multitude of offers available on the market, are the data that you entrust to us to study your projects and your situation.

For example, we show you consumer credit rates that are consistent with your borrower profile, your region or your financial situation. In terms of consumer credit, we integrate for example your desired amount of credit, its duration, your charges and income, to present you the associated offers of our partners.

I'M SOLAR attaches the greatest importance to the protection of the personal data of its Users and Customers, on its websites and mobile applications.

Advertising nature of the content

In any event, I'M SOLAR informs the User if necessary of the advertising nature of the content of the site.

The use of your data

The treatments are based on the consent of the data subjects. I'M SOLAR may have to collect personal data for other lawful purposes provided for by law and general regulations, taking care to obtain the prior consent of the persons concerned.

Personal data is mainly processed for:

Ensure the best quality of I'M SOLAR services and the presentation of offers and provide its Users with the best analysis of their profile; send you an email or SMS confirming your offer on certain trades, so that you have a record and can easily find the analysis or information in the future; monitor and analyze the offers presented, and regularly update these analyzes, for example in the context of price updates for partner offers, which can be viewed either in your Customer Area or by being able to receive updates day by email; send regular newsletters of information and on the commercial offers of I'M SOLAR SA and its partners;

Establish contact with a commercial advisor from I'M SOLAR SA or with an advisor from its call center; create a client file for monitoring and performing the services of I'M SOLAR SA entities; establish the connection according to the trades with the relevant partners, and the sending by these partners of commercial proposals; manage your account in the context of technical difficulties, questions about products or requests to Customer Service;

Access to personalized simulators and comparators in the Customer area, accessible after secure identification; improve the functioning of the Sites and its Mobile Applications and browsing routes, and produce statistics on the use of tools; produce market studies for professionals (without any personal data being used, but using project data for example) or trend analyzes and consumer profiles;

Collect the consent of Users when this is required by the regulations in force, in particular with regard to commercial prospecting by I'M SOLAR SA and its partners, and with regard to the acceptance of cookies; send you advertising messages from I'M SOLAR SA or our partners according to your browsing behavior on I'M SOLAR SA websites or your profile; track sales and purchases on certain trades from our partners, which may lead us to share data with your product supplier concerning the products you have purchased. Your product supplier may also send us information it holds regarding the products you have purchased for this purpose;

Perform the analysis of all or part of the data concerning you collected within the company I'M SOLAR SA, which can be crossed with that of selected partners, to improve our products (research and development), assess your situation or predict it ( palatability scores) and personalize your customer journey (targeted offers and advertisements); loyalty programs and all promotional operations, excluding online games of chance subject to the approval of the Online Games Regulatory Authority; manage the opinions, surveys and polls of Users and Customers on the Services or the content of the Sites and Applications;

Collect and manage applications for recruitment for a collaborator or an agency creation; prevent and combat computer fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing.

Data processed

In particular, the entities of I'M SOLAR SA may collect the following data from you:

Identity data, such as surname, first name, postal address, telephone number (fixed or mobile), email address, postal address, date and place of birth.

Data relating to your financial situation, such as your current loans, your charges, your income, your current bank. Data relating to subscription to newsletters such as last name, first name, email address. Attendance statistics data such as the IP address, cookies, pages visited by the user, date and time of the visit.

The compulsory or optional nature of the data is indicated on the collection forms. The optional fields aim to get to know you better and thus better respond to your request. Failure to reply in one of the mandatory fields will make it impossible for our services to process your request.

In particular, partner financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, credit institutions, etc.) of I'M SOLAR SA, which can be consulted in this section, need this information to be able to offer users relevant and suitable solutions. . Without these elements, your file would be incomplete and therefore rejected by partner financial institutions. The purpose of collecting all this information is to better meet the expectations of users and to provide the services most suited to their profile.

In any event, the entities of the company I'M SOLAR SA undertake to process all of the data collected in accordance with the regulations in force and in particular with Regulation n ° 2016/679 cited above.

The Site and the Mobile Applications are intended for adults who are capable of entering into obligations in accordance with the legislation of the country in which the User is located. Minors under the age of 16 or who are incapable of obtaining it must obtain the prior consent of their legal guardian before entering their data on the Site and Applications. Holders of parental authority may request to receive information relating to their child and request its deletion.

Data collected

The personal data collected on this site is reserved for the entities of the company I'M SOLAR SA and, where appropriate, for official bodies and administrative or judicial authorities. In the event that the entities of the company I'M SOLAR SA entrust the data processing activities to subcontractors to provide the services, the latter will be chosen in particular for sufficient guarantees as to the implementation of technical measures and appropriate organizational measures, particularly in terms of reliability and security measures.

The data may, with the prior consent of the User, be transmitted to the business partners of the entities of I'M SOLAR SA. This agreement can be withdrawn at any time by the User.

In accordance with the regulations in force, the data can be transmitted to the competent authorities on request and in particular to public bodies, exclusively to meet legal obligations, judicial officers, ministerial officers and bodies responsible for performing debt recovery.

Location Data Use

Our app requires access to your precise location data to enable the 'Automation Scenario' feature, which automates device operations based on your distance from your home. This feature enhances user convenience by adjusting devices automatically as you approach or leave your residence. We ensure that location data is accessed only when necessary and is handled with the utmost care to protect your privacy. We do not share this information with third parties without your explicit consent. Location data is strictly used to facilitate the intended functionality and improve your user experience.

Period of the data collected

We keep your personal data for the time strictly necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, in accordance with the applicable regulations and subject to the exercise of your rights. We also keep some of your personal data, with restricted access, in order to fulfill our legal or regulatory obligations or for statistical purposes, for the periods provided for by the recommendations of the organizations or by law. Specifically, for your credit or loan insurance request, we apply the following retention periods:

Three years in the use of our online comparison services. Following the end of this contractual relationship, we keep your contact details for three years for commercial prospecting. Following this last period, we keep your data, for probative purposes for legal prescription, for seven years for a request processed on the website or by phone, and for three years for a request processed in an agency, At the expiration of these different periods, your data will be made anonymous.


A cookie is a small text file saved by the browser of your computer, tablet or phone that allows us to keep track of your visit. We use cookies to provide you with a better browsing experience, personalized and secure. If you have not configured your browser to accept this type of file, you will not have access to all of the site's functionality. Certain cookies, which do not affect your access to the site's functionalities, are also collected by us or our privileged advertisers. Audience measurement cookies are used to track traffic and its development. Statistical cookies help optimize the site, resolve bugs, improve the quality of our services and page performance. Advertising or content personalization cookies allow you to display advertisements or content based on your interests. Advertising dissemination cookies are used to display advertising messages on our site. You can also configure your browser software so that Cookies are accepted or rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer.

To find out how to manage cookies, you can consult your browser's help menu.

Your rights

In accordance with General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 relating to the Protection of Personal Data and the amended Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, and whatever the mode of collection of personal data used, you have the following rights on your data: right of access, right of rectification, right to erasure (right to be forgotten), right of opposition, right to limit processing, right to portability. To exercise these rights, a form is available on the "Contact us" page. You can also have additional national rights, such as defining the fate of your personal data after your death.

If the user wishes to interrupt his subscription to newsletters, he can do so at any time from the newsletters, by clicking on the link provided for this purpose at the bottom of the page. For reasons relating to his particular situation, the User may also object to the processing of data concerning him.

If you do not wish to be the subject of commercial prospecting by telephone, you can register for free on the opposition list to telephone canvassing.

Phone conversations with our telephone advisers in connection with I'M SOLAR SA may be recorded, for training purposes, with a view to improving the quality of our services. This information is intended for I'M SOLAR SA, responsible for the processing and is necessary for the management of your request. You can object to this recording by notifying the telephone adviser.

Subject to a breach of the provisions below, the User has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Supervisory Authority of his place of residence.


Given the evolution of technologies, the costs of implementation, the nature of the data to be protected as well as the risks for the rights and freedoms of individuals, I'M SOLAR implements all the appropriate technical and organizationals measures to to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data collected and processed and a level of security adapted to the risk.

Changes to the personal data policy

If this Policy is modified by I'M SOLAR SA, or if legal or regulatory texts require it, it will be published on our sites and will be effective as soon as it is published.

For any information on the protection of personal data, the User can also consult the website of the Data Protection Supervisory Authority of his place of residence.

I'M SOLAR SA connects its customers and brokers via the I'M SOLAR platforms.

The website is hosted by SERVER.LU

IMPORTANT: In accordance with the legislation, "no payment of any kind whatsoever may be required from an individual, before obtaining one or more loans of money", article L. 321-2 of the Code consumption.

I'M SOLAR Banking loan offer

Until acceptance of the offer by the borrower, no payment, in any form whatsoever, may, under the transaction in question, be made by the lender to the borrower or on behalf of it, nor by the borrower to the lender. Until this acceptance, the borrower may not, in the same way, make any deposit, subscribe or endorse any commercial paper, or sign any check. If a direct debit authorization from a bank or postal account is signed by the borrower, its validity and entry into force are subject to that of the credit contract.

You are thus protected and you keep the freedom to change your mind whenever you want. You choose the loan that suits you best for your project. I'M SOLAR SA does not receive any funds from the bank broker or the bank organization which validated the financing request. The money goes directly to the applicant's bank account. The only contract linked to the financing request is between the client and the bank. I'M SOLAR only intervenes in networking.

Update date

The last update of the legal notices dates from 2020-23-01.

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